A link to the recording of the Organic Forum Webinar jointly hosted by Christopher Stopes, Co-chair of the English Organic Forum and Defra and other materials used can be found below.
Links shared throughout Webinar
Subscribe here to receive updates from our https://defrafarming.blog.gov.uk/
We’re making the rules for farming easier to find, read the following blog post to find out more - making-the-rules-for-farming-easier-to-find/
Defra Organic Leaflet: Defra-SFI-Organics-Leaflet-June-2023-1.pdf
Basic Payment recipients in England can get free business advice from independent providers. Use the following link to find an advisor in your area. - get-free-business-advice-for-your-farm/organisations-giving-free-advice-in-your-area-listed-by-county
Our funding for farmers page is the place to find official guidance and information available to all farmers, growers and land managers and sets out every payment on offer with links to learn more. - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/funding-for-farmers
For more information about SFI and how to submit your expression of interest, and all next steps, the following blog post details this out - https://defrafarming.blog.gov.uk/2023/09/13/sfi-pinned-post/
SFI ‘How to Apply Video’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqsByycyCnw
Organic Farm Management Handbook from the Organic Research Centre - the-organic-farm-management-handbook/
Organic Farmers & Growers Technical Leaflet 130 on SFI & CS for organic: sfi-and-cs-for-organic-farmers.i6uin0.pdf
Small R&D Partnership Projects competition now open - small-rd-partnership-projects-competition-now-open/
Feasibility Studies competition now open - feasibility-studies-competition-now-open/
More information on EWCO Jonathan mentioned - woodland-creation-supporting-your-business-and-the-environment/
More information on the Calf Housing Grant - calf-housing-for-health-and-welfare-2023/how-the-calf-housing-for-health-and-welfare-grant-works
The Farm Equipment & Technology Fund. farming-equipment-and-technology-fund-fetf-2023
CS Grant Finder Organic options countryside-stewardship-grants?land_use%5B%5D=organic-land
During the webinar there were many questions throughout the session which we Defra are currently working through. Once these have been answered, we will add them to this blog.