Sources of funding
Sustainable Farm Incentive 2024 (SFI 2024)
With 22nd July 2024 being the date set by Defra for general applications to what is now being called ‘The Streamlined SFI 2024 Offer’, what actions should those looking to join SFI and those already signed up via SFI 2023 consider doing?
The Streamlined offer still has over 100 options to select from and a guidance book that runs to 366 pages. Defra have attempted to help people interested in applying through this maze by introducing a funding selection tool. This tool allows you to select options you are most interested in via land type (arable, grassland, upland etc) and via ‘Area of interest’ option type (e.g. boundary management, soils, water quality, historic environment etc.). The ‘areas of interest’ relate to how Defra views the option categories, which don’t always tally with how a grower might think. A third filter choice is whether the payments are considered as capital or revenue. However, this is also mentioned in the description of each option when you get to it.
This tool can be accessed at https://www.gov.uk/find-funding-for-land-or-farms
An overview of the rules and also a summary of the options and their ID codes for the application form (Annex B)
Defra's funding selection tool
Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme: SFI actions in the expanded offer for 2024