AHDB have published an article on their website looking at the effects of stacking the SFI 2024 options on the AHDB virtual farms with the following key messages...

The SFI alone is not going to be enough to mitigate the loss of Direct Payments – this is an intentional feature of the scheme. But the right combination of actions could make up a considerable amount of the shortfall
Taking part in the SFI can provide substantial extra income for farm businesses
If farmers carefully select SFI actions that are right for their farm, they can boost the farm’s net profit level
Farmers have the opportunity to maximise the potential of every hectare of land on their farm
The SFI has a greater impact on farms with low gross profit margins compared with those that have high gross profit margins
For all farms, the financial benefit of taking part in the SFI is most likely to be felt in years where market prices are average or below average; it can act as a buffer in lean years
Looking ahead, the SFI can play a role in stabilising farm business incomes
More information can be found on the AHDB Stacking options for SFI web page